Approaching the European Championship in Moscow will take place in two weeks. Meanwhile the polish competitors are plagued by the contusions...
MARIUSZ WLAZŁY who is our basic player, complain about cramps in calf. He asked Raul Lozano (the coach of national team) for exclusion from the team for the championship in September. He suffered from cramps for long time but thanks to accupuncture the pains ceased. Unfortunately, the injury returned during the final tournament of World League in Katowice. Mariusz will go to Spain where he is going to be examined by the best specialists.
The next contestant with contusion is PIOTR GRUSZKA. He has a valuable experience and because of absence of Mariusz Wlazły he was going to be a reserve spiker. Sadly, during the match with Serbia he fell down and sprained his ankle. The injury disqualified Piotr from the championship.
GRZEGORZ SZYMAŃSKI gave supporters a scare when the ache in his knee returned. Luckily, Grzegorz said that his health was all right.
Due to lack of a second spiker Robert Prygiel who early resigned from preparation for the European Championship, joined the others players in Spała. Polish Competitors have the tournament in Paris ahead of them, then they go to Moscow. Hopefully without new contusions...